Due to the growing challenge that fraud represents for economic activity, consumers, and the population in general, the I International Anti-Fraud Forum brought together companies, professionals, experts, authorities and public policy makers to think about effective solutions against the actions of fraud in different sectors. Together, we can reduce the impact of fraud on the business and consumer environment.


Promote Public-Private Collaboration:
encourage effective dialogue and partnerships between public and private sectors to develop integrated strategies to combat fraud.

 Encourage Innovation in Antifraud Strategies:
encourage innovation and the use of new technologies and methodologies to improve the effectiveness of anti-fraud measures.

 Disseminate Knowledge and Expertise:
provide an opportunity to share knowledge, experiences and best practices in the field of fraud prevention and detection.

 Develop and Reinforce Policies and Regulations:
assist in creating and strengthening effective policies and regulations to reduce the impact of fraud in the business and consumer environment.


Public sector authorities that play a key role in shaping standards and policies, combating fraud, representatives, executives and professionals of impacted companies and organizations, specialized law firms, providers of solutions, products and services to combat fraud, journalists, academics and people interested in the topic.

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Icone Espaço Comercial



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Icone Networking e Contatos



Icone Kit Congressistas



Icone Direcionamento de Carreiras




Check out some of the speakers at this groundbreaking event.  A unique opportunity that connected those involved in fraud prevention with policymakers in the sector and with the best practices promoted by experts from other countries.


Minister of the Superior Court of Justice

Anelize Lenzi Ruas de Almeida

Attorney General of the National Treasury

Elena Abbati

Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Brazil

José Perdiz de Jesus

President of the Superior Court of Sports Justice (STJD)

Adriana Toledo

President of the National Financial System Appeal Council (CRSFN) and President of the Appeals Council of the National System of Private Insurance, Open Pension, and Capitalization (CRSNSP)

Márcio Rosa

Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce, and Services

João Carlos Souto

Director of the Higher School of the Attorney General's Office

Pablo Coutinho Barreto

Counselor of the National Council of Justice

Barbara Camardelli

Attorney General of the State of Bahia and Vice-President of the National College of Attorneys General of the States and the Federal District

Cintia Menezes Brunetta

Counselor of the National Council of the Public Ministry

Athirson Mazolli e Oliveira

National Secretary of Football and Defense of Fans' Rights

Fausto Vieira Coutinho

Deputy Secretary of Customs Administration of the Federal Revenue Service

Antenor Madruga

Partner at Madruga BTW

Adriana de Azevedo

Director of Trade and Services at the Ministry of Development, Industry, and Trade (MDIC)

Adriana Taboza

President of the Brazilian Doping Control Authority - ABCD

Alesandro Barreto

Police Delegate and Coordinator of the Cyber Operations Laboratory at the National Public Security Secretariat (Member of the National Council to Combat Piracy)

Alexandre Novachi

Director of Regulatory and Scientific Affairs of the Brazilian Food Industry Association


Federal Prosecutor and Coordinator of the Cryptoassets Support Group of the Federal Public Ministry (MPF)

Ana Dino

Partner at Dino Figueiredo e Launde Advocacia, Specialist in Corporate Law

Antônio Carlos Vasconcellos Nóbrega

General Inspector of Dataprev

Bernardo Mota

Specialist in Public Policies and Government Management Representative of the National Strategy to Combat Money Laundering

Breno Lobo

Consultant in the Department of Competition and Financial Market Structure at the Central Bank of Brazil

Bruno Queiroga

CEO of SICPA South America


Partner in BMA’s Corporate and Capital Markets practice area

Carlo Faccio

Executive Director of the Instituto Combustível Legal (ICL).

Carlos Vinícius Alves Ribeiro

Prosecutor and Secretary-General of the National Council of the Public Ministry (CNMP)


Director of the Department of Asset Recovery and International Legal Cooperation - MJSP

Celso Ricardo Franchini

Head of the Regional Service for Advanced Inspection Operations and Fraud Combat of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock

Chantal Correia de Castro

Anti-Corruption Manager of the UN Global Compact in Brazil

Claudia Chagas

Partner at Madruga BTW

Claudio Dantas Monteiro

Researcher at the Center for Studies on Drugs and Community Social Development (Cdesc)

Daniel Zaclis

Partner at CAZ Advogados

Eduardo Pazinato

Coordinator of the Anti-Corruption and Integrity Area at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Elton Ferreira Barbosa

Manager of the National Directory for Anti-Counterfeiting of Brands by the INPI

Emerson Kapaz

President of the Instituto Combustível Legal (ICL)

Erik Pereira

Coordinator of Repression of Electronic Banking Frauds at the Directorate of Combating Cybercrimes of the Federal Police.

Felipe Gonçalves

Partner at Madruga BTW

Fernanda Vilares

Attorney of the National Treasury

Fernando Vila Pouca de Souza

Partner at Paulo Klein Advogados

Francisco Müssnich

Founding partner of BMA Lawyers

Fred Justo

General Coordinator of Money Laundering Monitoring and other crimes related to sports betting and online games, at the Ministry of Finance.

Gabriel Cohen

Legal Director of the Brazilian Association of Payment Institutions - ABIPAG

Geórgia Diogo

CEO Ties Group

Guilherme Thémes

Head of Subunit in the Department of Regulation of the Financial System - Central Bank of Brazil

Gustavo Martins dos Santos

Deputy Head of the Department of Supervision of Cooperatives and Non-Banking Institutions (Desuc)

João Costa-Neto

Professor at UnB and Judge of the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo (TJSP)

Hugo Caruso

Director of the Department of Inspection of Plant Origin Products

Juliana Mendes Marques

Legal Manager of the National Association of Brokerages and Securities Distributors - ANCORD


Deputy Attorney General of the Central Bank

Marcelo Cavali

Legislative Consultant of the Federal Senate and Partner at Madruga BTW

Marcelo Lucidi

Partner at Duarte and Forssell Lawyers

Marcelo Ribeiro

Partner in the Corporate Criminal Law practice at Lefosse.

Mariana Tumbiolo

CEO ZELA Consulting

Marina Coelho Araújo

Partner at CAZ Advogados

Miguel Carvalho

General Coordinator of Intellectual Property at MDIC

Octaviano Duarte

Founding partner do Duarte-Forssell Advogados

Om Kakani

Federal Prosecutor of the United States Department of Justice


Founding partner of Paulo Klein Advogados

Paulo Alexandre Nicolao

Security and Immigration Counselor at the Embassy of Portugal in Brazil

Pedro Chiamulera

Founder and Chairman of the Board of ClearSale

Peter Warmka

Former senior CIA intelligence officer and founder of the Counterintelligence Institute

Rafael Arcuri

Executive Director of the National Industrial Hemp Association

Rafael de Castro

Partner and Leader of the Banking Law Area at Madruga BTW

Rafael Bezerra Ximenes de Vasconcelos

Director of Supervision at COAF

Renato Sérgio de Lima

President Director of the Brazilian Public Security Forum

Ricardo SAADI

Director of Investigation and Combat of Organized Crime and Corruption of the Federal Police

Rodolpho Ramazzini

Director of the ABCF – Brazilian Association for the Fight Against Counterfeiting

Sálvio Dino

Partner at Dino, Figueiredo e Launde Advocacia


Journalist and Specialist in International Relations

Tiago Severo

Legal Director of the Brazilian Association of Crypto-Economy

Vladimir Aras

Academic Coordinator of the event


Antenor Madruga

Partner at Madruga BTW

Geórgia Diogo

CEO Ties Group

Marilda Nakane

Advisor at Madruga BTW

Vladimir Aras

Academic Coordinator of the event


Want to be a sponsor of the I International Anti-Fraud Forum 2025?

Contact us and our specialized team will assist you with the necessary information.

The I International Anti-Fraud Forum was made possible through the backing of sponsors who shared a commitment to the initiative. These sponsors seek to align their brand and/or product with the foremost anti-fraud event in the market. Working hand in hand with the organization, sponsors actively contributed to the creation of credible, analytical, and highly relevant content that came up with to the project’s overarching objectives.

Curator Sponsors

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Institutional Support

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Escola Agu
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Event Venue



St. de Clubes Esportivos Sul Trecho 2

Conjunto 63, Lote 50 – Asa Sul, Brasília

– DF 70200-002

Hosted by

March 20th and 21st, 2024
Wed. And Thu. From 08h to 18h


Centro Internacional de Convenções do Brasil
St. de Clubes Esportivos Sul Trecho 2




+55 (61) 3966-4890